Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Get Your Tickets LS1426 4/13/14 #flipagram made with @flipagram Music: Canton Jones - Top Model

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Alright people save the dates...LS1426 Fashion Week I'd coming to Houston April 11-13th. Ms. Linda Scott and a handful of Gorgeous Ladies will be taking over the North Sheraton Hotel and showing everyone that beauty & grace comes in all shapes and sizes. Praise God for the opportunity to work with a great group of ladies. #teamls1426 #teamwomenofGod #divainthemakingfoundationreppin

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Big Girls Rock 2 interview

The Secrets behind being a Plus Size D.I.V.A. In the Making

Big Girls Rock 2 – “Real Men Wear Pink” Fashion Show

Hola Mi Gente!

Well as you already know, I like fashion and I like to see fashion…so with that being said I have made it my business to find as much fashion shows as possible to either be a part of or help out behind the scenes with.  And not too long ago I was given the pleasure of being chosen as one of the models for Big Girls Rock 2- Real Men Wear Pink Fashion and Hair Show taking place next month and as well as meeting and interviewing Ms. Donna Rogers the founder/creator of the show. She is one of the few plus size models that I have met that will tell you like it is and still help you when the chips are down. In order to give those of you the chance to know who she is I met with her and asked her a few questions.

D.I.V.A: Ms. Donna please tell us a bit about yourself. Where you from, how long have you been in the fashion and modeling industry?

Ms. Donna: I am originally from Huntsville, Texas. I have been in the fashion and modeling industry for 17 years. I have been a Master Designer and Make-Up Artist as well.

D.I.V.A: By wearing all of these hats what got you interested in the industry?

Ms. Donna:  As a long time trailblazer in the hair industry, venturing into the fashion and modeling world seemed to be the proper next step in building an empire that caters to women of size.

D.I.V.A.: As coordinator and founder of Big Girls Rock what is your mission statement and vision for the organization?

Ms. Donna: My vision is to become a leader in the world of plus size fashion and beauty. This leads into my mission to offer an upscale platform for women of size to build positive self-confidence and to display their unique and beautiful curves.

D.I.V.A.:  I love the idea behind your organization; it speaks to the heart of many plus size women in the world. Now talking about having someone behind you…I know that you have a group of women helping you but we all know that beside every strong woman there is an equally strong partner, who are these people and what part do they play in the organization?

Ms. Donna: The great lady that stands beside me is Ms. DeVonka Bratton is my right hand woman and the Business Manager/Event Planner for BGR2. She handles everything from finding and deciding upon talent to handling the business and event production.

D.I.V.A.: What events do you have scheduled for 2014?

Ms. Donna: BGR2 is going on the road and the new dates will be published very soon. Visit our website for updates.

D.I.V.A.:  Big Girls Rock 2 – Real Men Wear Pink Hair Battle & Fashion Show coming up on February 9th, 2014 will be held at?

Ms. Donna:  The show will be held at the Sheraton North Houston, 15700 John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX.

D.I.V.A.: What is your vision and motivation behind the showcase?

Ms. Donna: We are dedicated to raising cancer awareness within our diverse communities. We are also dedicated to creating a positive, productive, and fashionable outlet for models of all sizes to be showcased.

D.I.V.A.: If you could describe BGR2 in 3 words what would they be?

Ms. Donna: Fashion, Couture, and Confident…so come on out and show your support. Tickets are now on sale on our website and through eventbrite.

D.I.V.A.: Well there you have guys and gals. Stop by the website and check out the BGR2 models and sponsors. I will be part of the fashion show as well so if you will be in the Houston Area on Feb. 9th, 2014 let me know I have tickets.

Donna Rogers and DeVonka Brown are prime examples of D.I.V.A’s in the Making.

So until next week…God Bless You & Remember we are all fearfully and wonderfully made-Psalm 139:14 and feel free to make suggestions on topics that you would like to have covered on the Plus Size D.I.V.A Files!

Love, Natural DominicAna

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Model bag hints

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy new years and 200 th follower give away

Alright it's a New Year and I have 201 followers on Instagram! To some it may not seem alot but for someone that is fairly new to the game of posting, blogging, modeling, & New steps in life it's a Big Deal! so thank you to all that have stuck with me and those that are new... With that being said here is the give away I promised! The rules are simple: 1. Follow me on Instagram @natural_domincana 2. guess the hairstyle that I welcomed in the New Years with and post your response to this pic 3. The winners will be announced on January 5th, 2014 the first 3 followers that guess correctly will win one of the following: 1st winner a Miss Jessie's Jelly Soft Curls (full size) 2nd winner a bottle of Dove Hair Therapy Amplifier Mousse 3rd winner a bottle of lavender body scrub So let the guessing begin!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Natural DominicAna Blessed In 2013

Natural DominicAna Blessed In 2013 #flipagram made with @flipagram Music: Marvin Sapp - The Best in Me

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Nzuri kids world

My peoples Nzuri is doing kids world December 7th and 8th so bring the kiddos and make sure that they're having a good time and safe while you shop until till you drop