Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy new years and 200 th follower give away

Alright it's a New Year and I have 201 followers on Instagram! To some it may not seem alot but for someone that is fairly new to the game of posting, blogging, modeling, & New steps in life it's a Big Deal! so thank you to all that have stuck with me and those that are new... With that being said here is the give away I promised! The rules are simple: 1. Follow me on Instagram @natural_domincana 2. guess the hairstyle that I welcomed in the New Years with and post your response to this pic 3. The winners will be announced on January 5th, 2014 the first 3 followers that guess correctly will win one of the following: 1st winner a Miss Jessie's Jelly Soft Curls (full size) 2nd winner a bottle of Dove Hair Therapy Amplifier Mousse 3rd winner a bottle of lavender body scrub So let the guessing begin!

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